A StudyTuber’s Guide to Starting University.

So, you’re about to start university. Or perhaps you’re already a few weeks or months in! Written by student influencer and “StudyTuber” Lydia Violeta, A StudyTuber’s Guide to Starting University is your essential companion for navigating a successful transition into higher education. 

Starting university can be a nerve-wracking process, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can set yourself up for a fulfilling academic and personal experience! 

Inside this 40+ page invaluable eBook you’ll find

Part 1. Preparing for university: My criteria for choosing the perfect university and student accommodation for you, as well as a comprehensive packing list. 

Part 2. Making friends: Based on personal stories and lessons from experience I share my advice for navigating the daunting “freshers’ week”, dealing with troublesome flatmates, meeting people on your course, the pros and cons of joining societies, and coping with loneliness. 

Part 3. Starting classes: Learn how to begin your academic experience on the right foot by optimising your timetable, taking efficient notes in lectures, and keeping on top of academic work with a FREE Notion template.

Part 4. Learning to live independently: Master the art of living on your own by building a routine, meal planning, budgeting and overcoming homesickness. 

Part 5. Preparing for second year and beyond: Life moves fast at university, but with tips on what to look for when viewing second-year student properties, and the kind of work experience necessary to set yourself up for your future career, you’ll be more than prepared!

Throughout the book you’ll find stories from my experience not shared before online, screenshots of my notes and digital organisational tools, as well as links to my favourite online resources to help you truly make the most out of your university experience.

It’s essentially everything I wish I’d known before I started university!

Copyright © Lydia Violeta, 2023. 
All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be copied, distributed, or published in any form without permission from the publisher.

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